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Mobilna przyczepa grzewcza WC Serwis
Mobile heating trailer.

Kotłownia biomasowa kontenerowa Wiśniowski

Container boiler in Nowy Sącz.

Kotły Logika na ukrainie

Logica boilers in Ukraine.

Kocioł Logika 350kW na Ukrainie

Logica boilers in Ukraine

Sigma Dual montowana w Portugali
Sigma Hybrid in Portugal.

Modernization of Viessmann oil boiler to ecological pelet boiler.

Modernization of Viessmann oil boiler to ecological pelet boiler.

Pelets B boiler in vineyard in Croatia.

Woodchips and sawdust boiler 75kW in Mazury.

Starting of pelets boiler in Austria.

Starting of pelets boiler in Austria. Efficiency results.

2 Biowarmers 100kW in school in Golotczyzna.

2 Biowarmers 100kW in school in Golotczyzna.



Biomass boilers in Białystok.

Cascade of two Futura Bio pelet boilers in Slovakia.

Cascade of two Futura Bio boilers.

Futura Bio 250kW Boiler - investition in Podkarpackie.

Futura Bio Standard  - investition in Lubawa.

Cascade of two Logica boilers in Ukraine

Futura Pelets in Płońsk.

Futura Bio 350kW boiler in Bachledówka hotel.

Futura Bio boilers with individually designed fuel tank- investition in Mazowieckie.

Futura Bio 250kW in production hall in Małopolskie.

Ultima Plus boiler in Ukraine.

Ultima Boiler installed for those families where help is most needed.

Futura Pelets boiler in public facility in Germany.

Private clinic in Greece- 3x Futura Bio 350kW.

Private clinic in Greece- 3x Futura Bio 350kW.

Futura Bio Pelets 75kW in Greece.

Futura Bio 50 Standard for wood briquette in Mazowieckie.


Futura Bio Standard 75kW in Majorka.

Boiler Ultima 35kW with pelet burner MOC 40kW.

Cascade of two Futura Bio Pelet 350kw in Lithuania.

Cascade of two Futura Bio Pelet 350kw in Lithuania.

Futura Pelets 40kW with special fuel tank in Germany.

Futura Pelets 40kW with special fuel tank in Germany.

SIGMA KOMBI - Poznan University of Technology.

Futura Econo in market Biedronka in Drzewica.

Two Logicas 230kW boilers in Vedmezha hotel in Ukraine.

Two Logicas 230kW boilers in Zoloto Karpat hotel in Ukraine.

 Biowarmer in furniture store in Przasnysz.

  Biowarmer in furniture store in Przasnysz.

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